Here is a technique you can use to resize a response window or userobject as needed. It makes use of the GetWindowLong and SetWindowLong Windows API methods. The oldest reference I found to this is from Eric Aling back in 2000. In a nutshell, you are changing the border around the object to one which…
You are currently browsing all posts tagged with pfc
PowerBuilder – Resizing a Response Window or User Object
PowerBuilder – Type ahead style dropdown datawindow columns
This type of functionality is one of those things which fills a gap so completely and perfectly that when you encounter some application (and almost all web pages) which doesn’t have it you groan to yourself. In the ancient past this was alternatively referred to as ‘Quicken style’ dropdowns since that application was one very…
PowerBuilder – Development vs. Production Mode
You can set up a variety of helpful methods for use while developing an application which you don’t want users to get their hands on when in production. One example of this is my Window Information Service . To make this only available when running from the Powerbuilder IDE use the following steps. Set up…
PowerBuilder – PFC String service extension
Here is a simple modification to the PFC string service (n_cst_string) which will parse out an array of any datatype and returned a delimited string of the contents. The new method is a polymorph of the existing of_arraytostring. public function long of_arraytostring (any aa_array[], string as_delimiter, ref string as_string) // convert array to string array…
PowerBuilder – Next Key Service
As an extension of the next key stored procedure article, here is a pretty easy to implement a next surrogate key service to use with the PFC. If you don’t use the PFC it is still fairly easy to use with some modification. You can use this service anytime you want to get a sequential…
PowerBuilder – Item counter for datawindow entries
This is a PFC based component I build for an application used to create purchasing requisitions. The main datawindow was used to enter new ‘documents’ and was too large to allow for more than one row to be visible at a time. Rather than use a common ‘vcr’ type control I created one which shows…
Powerbuilder – PFC Resize Service Extension / Max Height & Width
The PFC window resize service is one of my favorite things in the entire class library as it can easily be implemented and adds a great bit of functionality to an application. One drawback, however, is there is no built in capability to limit the resizing of the objects on a window; either they resize…
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PowerBuilder – PFC file, resize, and string services
Although the PFC provide a wide range of capabilities, it can be a very tedious task to ‘strip out’ a specific piece of functionality for use in an ‘non PFC’ application. Here are the objects and modifications you need to do to strip out the File Service, Window Resize Service, and the String Service. PFC.PBL…
PowerBuilder ‘Gotcha’ – pfc Resize service and Tabpages
The window resize service is one of the best features of the PFC. With a few lines of code you can easily make your application much more resolution independent and user friendly. Something else which makes this service pretty cool is that it can be easily un-copoled from the rest of the pfc. All you…
PowerBuilder – Database transactions using PFC n_tr
Here is a relatively painless way to handle transaction processing in your Powerbuilder application. This code assumes the use of the PFC but could be adapted without too much trouble. This will work with the following database connections: ADO.NET ASE, SYC and SYJ Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise DIR Sybase DirectConnect I10 Informix IN9 Informix JDB…