PowerBuilder – PFC String service extension
Here is a simple modification to the PFC string service (n_cst_string) which will parse out an array of any datatype and returned a delimited string of the contents. The new method is a polymorph of the existing of_arraytostring.
public function long of_arraytostring (any aa_array[], string as_delimiter, ref string as_string) // convert array to string array and then send to standard PFC function long ll_ac, ll_i string ls_array[], ls_format ll_ac = Upperbound(aa_array) FOR ll_i = 1 to ll_ac IF ls_format = '' THEN CHOOSE CASE Classname(aa_array[ll_i]) CASE "string","char" CASE "datetime" ls_format = 'mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss' CASE "date" ls_format = 'mm-dd-yyyy' CASE "time" ls_format = 'hh:mm:ss' CASE ELSE END CHOOSE END IF ls_array[ll_i] = string(aa_array[ll_i], ls_format) NEXT RETURN of_arraytostring(ls_array,as_delimiter,as_string)You might also be interested in