PowerBuilder – Item counter for datawindow entries
This is a PFC based component I build for an application used to create purchasing requisitions. The main datawindow was used to enter new ‘documents’ and was too large to allow for more than one row to be visible at a time. Rather than use a common ‘vcr’ type control I created one which shows the current row number, the total number of rows, and the ability to go to any row within the total.
The component, u_itemcounter, is inherited from u_dw.
The dataobject, d_itemcounter, has an external datasource with three columns:
table(column=(type=number updatewhereclause=yes name=itmcount dbname="itmcount" initial="0" ) column=(type=char(2) updatewhereclause=yes name=of dbname="of" initial="of" ) column=(type=number updatewhereclause=yes name=itmtotal dbname="itmtotal" initial="0" ) )
Instance variables:
u_dw idw_source long il_currentrow long il_rowcount
The code in the control is as follows:
public function integer of_setsource (ref u_dw adw_source); // sets the source datawindow integer li_return li_return = 0 idw_source = adw_source RETURN li_return end function public subroutine of_setmaxrow (long al_row); il_rowcount = al_row this.setitem(1,'itmtotal',al_row) end subroutine public function long of_getcurrentrow (); RETURN il_currentrow end function public subroutine of_setcurrentrow (long al_row); il_currentrow = al_row this.setitem(1,'itmcount',al_row) end subroutine event constructor;call super::constructor; this.of_setbase(TRUE) this.of_SetRowSelect(FALSE) this.of_SetRowManager(FALSE) this.of_SetSort(FALSE) this.setrowfocusindicator(Off!) end event event losefocus;call super::losefocus; long ll_data IF this.rowcount( ) < 1 THEN RETURN ll_data = this.getitemnumber(1,'itmcount') IF ll_data > il_rowcount THEN ll_data = il_rowcount END IF of_setcurrentrow (ll_data) idw_source.setrow(il_currentrow) idw_source.scrolltorow(il_currentrow) end event event itemchanged;call super::itemchanged; IF long(data) > il_rowcount THEN // ERROR CONDITION RETURN 1 ELSE of_setcurrentrow (long(data)) idw_source.setrow(row) idw_source.scrolltorow(row) END IF end event event type long pfc_insertrow(); call super::pfc_insertrow; long ll_maxrow ll_maxrow = idw_source.rowcount() of_setmaxrow(ll_maxrow) of_setcurrentrow(ANCESTORRETURNVALUE) RETURN ANCESTORRETURNVALUE end event
To implement the control, place it on your window in a suitable location near the ‘master’ datawindow. In my case just above the master datawindow on the left edge. I named the control ‘dw_counter.’
When window opens, master control has three records
In the constructor event of the master datawindow add the following:
u_dw ldw ldw = THIS dw_counter.of_setsource(ldw) // set the link to the counter object
In the pfc_addrow method add the following:
long ll_rc ll_rc = this.rowcount() IF (dw_counter.rowcount() < 1) THEN dw_counter.event trigger pfc_insertrow() ELSE dw_counter.of_setmaxrow(ll_rc) END IF RETURN ANCESTORRETURNVALUE
In the pfc_predeleterow method the following:
long ll_row // reset the counter dw IF ANCESTORRETURNVALUE = CONTINUE_ACTION THEN ll_row = dw_counter.of_getcurrentrow() IF (ll_row = this.Rowcount()) THEN dw_counter.of_setcurrentrow(ll_row - 1) dw_counter.of_setmaxrow(ll_row - 1) ELSE dw_counter.of_setmaxrow(this.Rowcount() - 1 ) END IF END IF RETURN ANCESTORRETURNVALUE
And finally in the scrollvertical event the following:
long ll_row string ls_row // set counter to current row when scrolling ls_row = this.Object.Datawindow.FirstRowOnPage ll_row = Long(ls_row) dw_counter.of_setcurrentrow(ll_row)
The master datawindow in the example window contains three records. To set the counter properly when the window opens the following is put in the pfc_postopen event:
dw_counter.event pfc_insertrow() // makes the control visible
Just after adding a record.
Moved to record two in the master datawindow
If you choose to create your component without the PFC you will obviously have to change the code.
Download example window (PFC based) here: itemcounter example pbl
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