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Sending iCalendar events via a .Net Assembly and SQLServer stored procedure

Posted on July 31, 2012 at 5:01 pm in

As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, the iCalendar format is a standard way to send event information to a variety of email/scheduling systems (Outlook, Google, etc.). Here is a way to set it up so that you can simply call a stored procedure to send the event. This assumes you have SQL Server set up…

Sending iCalendar events via a .Net Assembly and SQLServer stored procedure - the full story »

PowerBuilder – Using C# Visual Objects in PB Classic Applications

Posted on June 18, 2012 at 5:16 pm in

This article will explain how to build a COM visual component in C# using Visual Studio 2010; it is an extension of my earlier example of using the Interop Forms Toolkit to build a Visual Basic COM object. First you need to install the Microsoft Interop Toolkit (available here). Then download the C# Interop Form…

PowerBuilder – Using C# Visual Objects in PB Classic Applications - the full story »

PowerBuilder – Using .Net Visual Controls in PB Classic Applications

Posted on June 5, 2012 at 5:27 pm in

This article describes the techniques and code used during my presentations at the Carolina Code Camp 2012 and at the May 2012 meeting of the North Carolina PowerBuilder User Group. The techniques described here utilize Visual Basic .Net (coded in Visual Studio 2010) with the Interop Forms Toolkit available from Microsoft. The Interop Forms Toolkit…

PowerBuilder – Using .Net Visual Controls in PB Classic Applications - the full story »

PowerBuilder – Accessing C# Classes via COM to Capture a Screenshot

Posted on April 12, 2011 at 8:20 pm in

I was working with setting up screen capture functionality from within a PB11.5 application recently and came up against a wall which forced me to rethink my strategy. Initially I was using External Functions to the Windows gdi32.dll but had issues with my code causing it to ‘stop working’ after a few files were written.…

PowerBuilder – Accessing C# Classes via COM to Capture a Screenshot - the full story »

VB.Net – “…any public member or cannot be found…” message

Posted on March 30, 2011 at 8:20 pm in

So I’m playing around with Visual Basic in VisualStudio 2010 Express and I’m planning on importing some code from an old VB file I squirrelled away a while ago. I create my project and define a new class and then copy/paste out of the old code. Intellisence immediately squawks and I get the message “The…

VB.Net – “…any public member or cannot be found…” message - the full story »
