As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, the iCalendar format is a standard way to send event information to a variety of email/scheduling systems (Outlook, Google, etc.). Here is a way to set it up so that you can simply call a stored procedure to send the event. This assumes you have SQL Server set up…
You are currently browsing all posts tagged with Outlook
Sending iCalendar events via a .Net Assembly and SQLServer stored procedure
PowerBuilder – Reading Outlook Items
Here is some code which reads data from Outlook (2007 was tested) into PowerBuilder. You basically need to create a window with a multiline edit and a button on it. Put this into the clicked event of the button. To run it, open Outlook, select something (email message, task, etc.) then click the button on…
VBA – Processing ICS calendar file attachments
This article brings to conclusion the Outlook VBA macro/script I wrote to process event scheduling attachments (.ICS or ICalendar files). The first article shows how to process emails and remove their associated attachments. The second shows how to open the files and both read the file contents into an array as well as write (append)…
VBA – Reading a file into an array and Appending to a file
Both of these routines can be called from Outlook Macros/Scripts to process files. In my case I am using them to open iCalendar (ICS) files and place the contents into a string array. The calling method then processes the information then flags the file as ‘PROCESSED’ by the second routine. Public Sub icsFileToArray(ByVal FileName As…
VBA – Removing attachments from Outlook email
One very powerful aspect of the Microsoft Office Suite of applications is the ability to create Macros and Scripts to perform various processes. This gives those of us who worked in Visual Basic 6 a chance to dust off our skills since the ‘flavor’ of Visual Basic used in the Microsoft Office applications (aptly called…