You are currently browsing the post archives for March 2012.

PowerBuilder – SQL Native Client and DisableBind

Posted on March 19, 2012 at 5:51 pm in

Okay so you are upgrading your application, perhaps using the latest version of PowerBuilder (12.5) and SQL Server (2008 R2), and decide to use the SQL Native Client (SNC) to take advantage of new features in the database. Now like many organizations which use Microsoft SQL Server, you may have gone to OLE DB in…

PowerBuilder – SQL Native Client and DisableBind - the full story »

Something to do – Today

Posted on March 5, 2012 at 5:31 pm in

A tornado missed my house by about 1000 feet this past Saturday at about 2:30am. Thankfully there was almost no damage done to the house I live in, indeed, even though several houses in my neighborhood were extensively damanged, there were no injuries. This leads me to the purpose of this topic: prepare an emergency…

Something to do – Today - the full story »
