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PowerBuilder – SQL Native Client and DisableBind

Posted on March 19, 2012 at 5:51 pm in

Okay so you are upgrading your application, perhaps using the latest version of PowerBuilder (12.5) and SQL Server (2008 R2), and decide to use the SQL Native Client (SNC) to take advantage of new features in the database. Now like many organizations which use Microsoft SQL Server, you may have gone to OLE DB in…

PowerBuilder – SQL Native Client and DisableBind - the full story »

PowerBuilder ‘Gotcha’ – SQLServer OLE DB and Identity columns

Posted on March 2, 2011 at 8:20 pm in

So I get a new machine at work and I’m busy loading all my development tools on it as well as changing settings and all such stuff. SQL Server and PowerBuilder get installed and upgraded, connected to Source Control, and I run the application from within the IDE. Things are fine until I insert a…

PowerBuilder ‘Gotcha’ – SQLServer OLE DB and Identity columns - the full story »
