Not too long ago I came across some information on a free Powerbuilder tool call ‘DWSpy’ written by Michael Zuskin (site is gone now apparently). In certain respects it is similar to my Window Object information service although geared towards datawindows. I decided to expand on the tool a bit by changing it into a…
You are currently browsing the SQLite category
PowerBuilder – Datawindow ‘SuperSpy’ tool
PowerBuilder – Datawindow ‘SuperSpy’ tool - the full story »
PowerBuilder – Connect to SQLite version 3 database (ODBC)
If you are interested in doing PowerBuilder development with an SQLite database here is the DSN Less connection string to get you going. string ls_dbparm, ls_dbfile, ls_exepath, ls_file[] ls_dbfile = c:\temp\sqlite.db3' IF Fileexists(ls_dbfile) THEN // do nothing ELSE IF GetFileOpenName('Select Data File',ls_dbfile, ls_file,'db3','SQLite files (*.db3),*.db3') < 1 THEN Messagebox('No Data File Chosen','Application will close') HALT…