You are currently browsing all posts tagged with Connection string

PowerBuilder – SQL Native Client Transaction Persistance

Posted on December 17, 2013 at 10:08 am in

There can be an issue with transactions not being disconnected from SQL Server when using the SQL Native Driver (SQLNCLIxx driver). In my case when the application was closed, the transactions were held open for up to four minutes. This may not be an issue with a small number of connections but with a large…

PowerBuilder – SQL Native Client Transaction Persistance - the full story »

PowerBuilder – Connect to SQLite version 3 database (ODBC)

Posted on June 14, 2011 at 8:20 pm in

If you are interested in doing PowerBuilder development with an SQLite database here is the DSN Less connection string to get you going. string ls_dbparm, ls_dbfile, ls_exepath, ls_file[] ls_dbfile = c:\temp\sqlite.db3' IF Fileexists(ls_dbfile) THEN // do nothing ELSE IF GetFileOpenName('Select Data File',ls_dbfile, ls_file,'db3','SQLite files (*.db3),*.db3') < 1 THEN Messagebox('No Data File Chosen','Application will close') HALT…

PowerBuilder – Connect to SQLite version 3 database (ODBC) - the full story »
