You are currently browsing the post archives for May 2012.

PowerBuilder – Resizing a Response Window or User Object

Posted on May 23, 2012 at 5:16 pm in

Here is a technique you can use to resize a response window or userobject as needed. It makes use of the GetWindowLong and SetWindowLong Windows API methods. The oldest reference I found to this is from Eric Aling back in 2000. In a nutshell, you are changing the border around the object to one which…

PowerBuilder – Resizing a Response Window or User Object - the full story »

PowerBuilder – Discarding Rows with Find

Posted on May 10, 2012 at 5:37 pm in

It’s a fairly common practice to report on a set of data derived from a larger group of rows. There are many techniques to do this in code and with the methods available with datawindows/datastores. One typical approach is to use the Filter method. The problem with this is it requires another trip to the…

PowerBuilder – Discarding Rows with Find - the full story »

PowerBuilder – Determining if Controls Overlap

Posted on May 2, 2012 at 5:32 pm in

I had a situation where I needed to know if the user is clicking on a control which is underneath a rectangle on a datawindow. In this case the interior of the rectangle was transparent. ls_name = IF (left(ls_name, 2) = 'r_') THEN // my standard rectangle naming convention ls_objects = this.Describe( 'DataWindow.Objects') ls_objects…

PowerBuilder – Determining if Controls Overlap - the full story »
