You are currently browsing the post archives for September 2012.

PowerBuilder ‘Gotcha’ – Column lists do not match

Posted on September 11, 2012 at 8:08 pm in

This is more of a database driver error but I encountered it within a datawindow I was working on so PB gets credit. I was working on a generic data drill down control which has a filtering process to eliminate data based on a date argument. Since I also wanted this date value for other…

PowerBuilder ‘Gotcha’ – Column lists do not match - the full story »

PowerBuilder ‘Gotcha’ – Strings, Describe and Position Attributes

Posted on September 6, 2012 at 6:40 pm in

So I’m getting the position attributes of a column in a datawindow to aid in the display of another visual object. What I initially coded was this: ll_open_x = Long(adw.describe(as_colname + '.X') + & adw.describe(as_colname + '.height')) + 10 I run the window and my visual object is no where to be seen. Looking in…

PowerBuilder ‘Gotcha’ – Strings, Describe and Position Attributes - the full story »
