You are currently browsing the post archives for November 2010.

PowerBuilder – Dragging Files onto the Application

Posted on November 30, 2010 at 8:22 pm in

Many applications I’ve worked on have had internal drag/drop capabilities. By ‘internal’ I mean you can drag items from one place to another from within the application itself. Now what if you want to drag files from an explorer window into your application and perform some processing? This functionality is not as common. The solution…

PowerBuilder – Dragging Files onto the Application - the full story »

PowerBuilder – Formatting and Validating Date/Time entries in a Datawindow

Posted on November 10, 2010 at 8:20 pm in

Using an editmask on a datawindow column to format a user’s input is pretty common practice for most applications. Done right it leads to a better user experience (no extra formatting characters to type) and can be visually appealing (all phone numbers formatted the same way for example). One really annoying behavior of an editmask…

PowerBuilder – Formatting and Validating Date/Time entries in a Datawindow - the full story »

PowerBuilder – Datawindow Filter on a datetime column

Posted on November 5, 2010 at 8:20 pm in

A question came in on the TekTips Powerbuilder forum regarding filtering on a datetime column in a datawindow. Basically the problem was a ‘type mismatch’ error when trying to filter this type of column. This is how the author was setting the filter: <code> ls_filter = "ls_column_name= '11/10/2010 12:30:00'" or ls_filter = "ls_column_name= '" +…

PowerBuilder – Datawindow Filter on a datetime column - the full story »
