PowerBuilder – Window object resizer bar

Posted on Tuesday, October 5th, 2010 at 8:30 pm in

Here is a fairly simple technique to allow for the resizing of objects on a window. Its best use is to provide a ‘splitbar’ type of control to dynamically shrink and enlarge the amount of space on a window a pair of datawindow objects occupy. If you really want to get fancy you will save the changed sizes as part of a user customization routine.

The sample window has two datawindows positioned on the top an bottom portion of the window with a rectangle object sitting in the area between them.


First define an instance variable on the window.

Define an event on the window mapped to pbm_lbuttondown.

//we_lbuttondown -  using pbm_lbuttondown

is_clicked_obj = ''

if ypos > r_1.y and ypos < (r_1.y + r_1.height) and &
   xpos > r_1.x and xpos < (r_1.x + r_1.width) then
	is_clicked_obj = 'r_1'
	dw_1.enabled = false
	dw_2.enabled = false
end if

Now in the mousemove event on the window

//mousemove on window
long ll_y_offset
if keydown(KeyLeftButton!) then
	// determine which sizing object 
	choose case is_clicked_obj
		case 'r_1'
			ll_y_offset = ((dw_1.height + dw_1.y) - ypos)
			dw_1.height = dw_1.height - ll_y_offset
			dw_2.y = dw_2.y - ll_y_offset
			dw_2.height = dw_2.height + ll_y_offset
			r_1.y = r_1.y - ll_y_offset
		case else
			dw_1.enabled = TRUE
			dw_2.enabled = TRUE

	end choose
end if

Now when the user left clicks and holds on the rectangle they are able to move it up and down with a corresponding resizing of the two datawindows.
