PowerBuilder – My source control is Wacked…

Posted on Thursday, November 17th, 2011 at 8:50 pm in

A long time ago I was messing around with the idea of using Mercurial source control with with PowerBuilder. I had set up a Mercurial tool called HGSSC which allowed interaction via the MSSCCI API. I then fired up PB and brought up the workspace properties and yes, the Mercurial client was a choice. So far so good.

Alas, when I tried to do anything (add something to source control) the process either did nothing or hung. Worse yet, when I re-started PB it wouldn’t even load.

To fix this you need to edit the Registry. Look for HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Sybase \ PowerBuilder \ 11.5 \ Workspace. There you will find entries for your various workspaces. Find the appropriate one and delete the Source Control entry. You can now open the workspace in PB.

Updated March 2021
